You have summarized and applied my reasearch well -- but I fear you track some of the articles wrong. Simons, Walsh and Sturman did not appear in org. science -- that was the simons (2002) theory paper. and the bottom-line consequence of BI would be Simons and Mclean Parks (2000). the paper with walsh and sturman talked about commitment versus satisfaction.
Anyway, I am totally supportive of your work, and would love to help out with the precise citations you need. My own blog is due to go up in a few weeks, and we should cross-link.
You can get around these detail problems simply by describing it as the body of my research and sending interested readers to my website. if you like, i can send you the correct citations for all three articles.
And I have a book for managers due out in October, called The Integrity Dividend.
--Tony Simons