Response Design Corporation<sup>®</sup>:Creating the Uncommon Call Center<sup>®</sup>
Topic: Quality
Improving Customer Satisfaction through Quality Monitor Calibration

How do you use call monitoring to measure quality? You take the necessary steps to define and standardize it through calibration sessions, regular meetings that bring together the resources of the center to target those behaviors that result in customer satisfaction and loyalty. As the article explains, calibration sessions offer benefits above and beyond providing managers the ability to monitor fairly and accurately.

Discover the who, what, when, where, how and why of calibration sessions. Avoid the "Seven Deadly Sins For Call Monitors." Ensure monitors and managers agree on what behaviors they are looking for and recognize them when they see them.

If a quality monitoring program is implemented without calibration rules, agents are not confident in the results. This article teaches companies how to create a company-wide yardstick of excellence.